Superintendent John Galvin Scott Medal Presentation

Superintendent John Galvin Scott Medal Presentation

Superintendent John Galvin was recently presented with his Scott Medal citation in Ennis Garda Station.

Pictured here with Deputy Commissioner Shawna Coxen are, from left, Chief Superintendent Colm O’Sullivan, Retired Garda Nicholas Marnell, Retired Inspector John O Sullivan, Retired Sergeant Kieran Carroll and Superintendent John Galvin.

Pat Jordan, 1st President of the Association

Pat Jordan, 1st President of the Association








Pat Jordan, the first President of the Association (who addressed our annual delegate conference this year) has kindly forwarded a photograph of the first NEC to us with a short history of the foundation of the AGS along with a presentation he gave to a symposium at St Patricks College in Drumcondra in 1988 dissecting a murder investigation. Also included is a letter received from a convicted man seeking clarification that “he was only convicted of manslaughter”  Interesting stuff and many thanks to Pat for taking the time to write to us

History of the Association

Dead Men Tell Tales

Letter from America!

Presentation to Irish Kidney Association

Presentation to Irish Kidney Association

Superintendent Pat Ryan attended the presentation of a cheque for €10k, the proceeds of the first year of sales for Tim Doyles book, Changing of the Guard, to Carol Moore, Chief Executive of the Irish Kidney Association..  Tim addressed this years delegate conference and the association made a contribution to the sales total.





Superintendents Wellness Day 2

Superintendents Wellness Day 2

The second Wellness day for Superintendents arranged by the NEC with the great assistance of HR&PD and the Welfare service was held on Tuesday 15th November 2022 at the Glenroyal Hotel in Maynooth.  A fantastic day was had by all and as can be seen from the photos and video, seriousness was left outside the door.  The third day is ongoing as this post is being uploaded and a fouth one is to be arranged for early December.  Any members who have not yet attended are missing out on a really great opportunity to join colleagues in a forum like we never have before and the NEC would encourage all remaining members to take advantage of this valuable experience.